Cerebral Palsy Claims: What Hospitals Should be Doing

Cerebral Palsy Claims Birth Injury Lawyer

If your child has cerebral palsy, you’ve likely gone through the scenarios a million times of how her brain damage could have been prevented. Perhaps it was related to a genetic mutation, which you couldn’t have known, or perhaps it was due to a birth injury. Maybe the doctor team didn’t perform a C-section soon […]

Study: Smoking May Lead to Cerebral Palsy

Smoking Cerebral Palsy Pregnant Women

Smoking can be a hard habit to kick. In fact, it may be one of the hardest things you ever have to do in life. Harder than giving birth? Well, maybe. It depends on who you ask. If you have to do both — quit smoking for the sake of your unborn child and then wait […]

Infant Spina Bifida: What You Need to Know

Spina Bifida Surgery Medical Error

Unless you’re pregnant or perhaps a fan of the hit PBS series “Call the Midwife,” you may not know what spina bifida is or looks like. Many haven’t seen it in person — just through pictures or TV shows and documentaries. However, if you find out your child has infant spina bifida at birth, you can […]