Premature Birth: What Does It Mean for Your Baby?

Premature Birth Baby Development Timeline

Last updated March 31, 2017. Over the course of about 9 months, a baby develops from a tiny clump of cells into a fully-functioning tiny human that can survive outside the womb. By the end of your pregnancy, the baby’s lungs can breathe without help —that’s usually the last major function to develop fully — and […]

Hair Tourniquet: Mind Your Baby’s Fingers And Toes

Hair Tourniquet Puts Baby's Toes At Risk

Ten little fingers and ten little toes – what’s more precious than a baby’s chubby little digits? It’s easy to obsess over your little one’s fingers and toes based on cuteness alone, but there’s a good health reason to keep an eye on them, too. Your baby’s fingers and toes are at risk for a […]

Feeding Baby: Breast Milk vs. Formula

feeding baby

While adults get the nutrition they need by eating a well-balanced diet, babies eat only one thing – breast milk or formula. That’s the sole source of the calories, vitamins, and other fuels they need to grow and develop. Historically, breastfeeding was the only option. Other alternatives, from plain cow’s milk to mixtures of flour […]