Chickenpox And Pregnancy: What You Need To Know

Chickenpox And Pregnancy

Last updated May 23, 2016. Chickenpox used to be an almost expected part of childhood. Before 1995, there were more than 4 million cases per year – and anywhere from 8,000 to 18,000 hospitalizations and 100-150 deaths – with the vast majority affecting children. After 1995, when the vaccine came out, the number of annual […]

Smoking During Pregnancy: What Are The Facts?

Smoking During Pregnancy

An estimated 40 million adults in the US smoke cigarettes – that’s more than 15% of the population. The number of smokers has been in steady decline for decades, but we’re nowhere near zero yet. You’ve probably seen ads highlighting health risks associated with smoking in general and during pregnancy in particular, but what are […]

Immune System Boost for Baby? Get a Dog

Dogs Babies Immune System Boost

Last updated March 31, 2017. You’ve heard it before — dogs are man’s best friend. We love our pets and they’re an important part of our lives, but many families worry about the health and safety of their children around their pets. Pets, after all, can track in dirt and allergens and expose your little […]