Folate, B12, And Autism: Can There Be Too Much Of A Good Thing?

Folate, B12, And Autism

When you’re pregnant, you want to do everything you can to keep your little one safe and healthy. You eat the right foods, avoid medications that could affect the baby, exercise regularly, and keep up with all of your prenatal care. You probably also take prenatal vitamins. And that’s terrific! Those are crucial for the […]

Reye’s Syndrome And Aspirin In Children: Know The Risks

Reye's Syndrome and Aspirin in Children

There are few things worse than knowing your little one is sick and miserable. You’ll do anything you can to comfort them and make them feel better. But remember that children’s bodies function differently than adults’ – even ordinary medicines that you wouldn’t think twice about taking can put them at serious risk. Aspirin is […]

The Cost Of Having A Baby

Cost Of Having A Baby

Kids are expensive – they just keep eating and growing out of their clothes and needing more diapers! But that’s not the only bill you’ll need to think about as you prepare to welcome a new little one into your family. There’s also the cost of pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Medical care is notoriously expensive […]