Cerebral Palsy Claims: What Hospitals Should be Doing

Cerebral Palsy Claims Birth Injury Lawyer

If your child has cerebral palsy, you’ve likely gone through the scenarios a million times of how her brain damage could have been prevented. Perhaps it was related to a genetic mutation, which you couldn’t have known, or perhaps it was due to a birth injury. Maybe the doctor team didn’t perform a C-section soon […]

Erb’s Palsy: What You Need to Know

Erb's Palsy Birth Injury Lawyer

You’re waiting patiently up to the moment of your sweet baby’s birth. You hope and pray she’s perfect. Your delivery is going smoothly, until baby has a little trouble in the birth canal. Your doctor needs to pull on her shoulder to get her all the way out, and everything seems fine once you hear […]

What is Shoulder Dystocia?

Shoulder Dystocia Birth Injury Lawsuit

When you’re preparing for the birth of your baby, you may consider all of the ways in which you’d like to manage labor: what pain medications you plan to use, which comfort measures might help instead of medications, how you’d like to move around during labor, and more. What you might not be planning for […]