Premature Birth: What Does It Mean for Your Baby?

Premature Birth Baby Development Timeline

Last updated March 31, 2017. Over the course of about 9 months, a baby develops from a tiny clump of cells into a fully-functioning tiny human that can survive outside the womb. By the end of your pregnancy, the baby’s lungs can breathe without help —that’s usually the last major function to develop fully — and […]

Pitocin Induction: What You Need to Know

Pitocin Induction

Last updated Dec. 28, 2017. Labor is hard, plain and simple. It’s exhausting. It’s painful. Even with an epidural or other pain management, it just plain wears you out. Worse, it doesn’t always work — that’s right, sometimes it’s delivery day and your body just can’t or won’t push the baby out. That’s where Pitocin […]

C-Sections: Everything You Need To Know


Your body knows how to give birth. When it’s time, you’ll start to feel contractions as your uterus starts to push the baby toward the birth canal. Your cervix will thin out and open up to allow the baby’s head to pass through. Your water will break. The contractions will get more intense and slowly […]