Resources for Low-Income Families

Resources for Low-Income Families

Raising kids isn’t cheap. The average cost for a middle-income family to raise a child to age 18 is a whopping $245,000! And that doesn’t even count college. The cost will vary based on where you live and other factors, but kids are expensive no matter what. It’s not just about diapers, food, clothes, and […]

Cribs vs. Co-Sleeping: Where Will Your Baby Sleep?

Where Should Baby Sleep

When we think of newborns and sleep, we tend to focus on the parents – we all know that new parents just don’t get much shuteye. Babies are up at all hours needing regular feedings, which is really tough on the parents’ sleep cycles. But the amount of time your baby sleeps isn’t the only […]

Shaken Baby Syndrome: Protecting Your Little One

Shaken Baby

At some point, we’ve all been so frustrated with someone that we just want to grab them and shake them. It’s not necessarily a good idea to act on that impulse, but it probably won’t cause any lasting harm if the target is an adult. If it’s a baby, however, that’s a whole other story. […]