The First Signs of Pregnancy: 7 Big Hints from Your Body

Pregnancy Hints

Last updated March 23, 2018. Are you pregnant? Sometimes it’s hard to tell. Most doctors recommend waiting until you miss a period before trying to take a home pregnancy test, but that could be weeks away. Your body may give you clues much earlier than that first missed menstrual cycle. So, what are the first signs of […]

Vacuum Extraction, Forceps Delivery, and Birth Trauma Risks

Vacuum Delivery Forceps Delivery Brain Damage Risks to Mother

Last updated Oct. 18, 2017. Sometimes the baby needs a little help getting through the birth canal. A difficult labor may be caused by an unusual birth position, high birth weight, the anatomy of the mother’s pelvis and birth canal, and other maternal and fetal health conditions. Prolonged labor is painful and exhausting and can be dangerous […]

Preeclampsia: High Blood Pressure and Your Baby

Superimposed Preeclampsia Treatment

Last updated Aug. 29, 2017. Pregnancy causes a lot of changes in your body. It’s not just the physical aspects like your growing belly and sore feet — your body chemistry changes, too. That may cause harmless side effects like unusual food cravings, but it can also cause more dangerous health conditions. Preeclampsia is one […]