The First Signs of Pregnancy: 7 Big Hints from Your Body

Pregnancy Hints

Last updated March 23, 2018. Are you pregnant? Sometimes it’s hard to tell. Most doctors recommend waiting until you miss a period before trying to take a home pregnancy test, but that could be weeks away. Your body may give you clues much earlier than that first missed menstrual cycle. So, what are the first signs of […]

Does Zofran Cause Birth Defects?

About 3/4 of pregnant women suffer from morning sickness: nausea, vomiting, and headaches during the first part of pregnancy. No one likes feeling nauseated, so it’s only natural that we’d look for remedies for our discomfort. In some cases, doctors prescribe Zofran (ondansetron), an anti-nausea medication. However, evidence suggests that Zofran may be dangerous for […]

Preeclampsia: High Blood Pressure and Your Baby

Superimposed Preeclampsia Treatment

Last updated Aug. 29, 2017. Pregnancy causes a lot of changes in your body. It’s not just the physical aspects like your growing belly and sore feet — your body chemistry changes, too. That may cause harmless side effects like unusual food cravings, but it can also cause more dangerous health conditions. Preeclampsia is one […]